Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Homework - 1.25.12

Go over your answers for the Midterm Review:

1. True or False: Relative location is more exact than absolute location
2. Which of map component should help a tourist find the distance between 2 locations?
3. True or False: Seasons are possible due to the tilt of the earth towards the Sun.
4. North Africa’s climate is mostly 
a. Tundra                                    b. tropical
c. Arid                                        d. chaparral
5. True or False: Mexico is south of Canada and north of Panama.
6. The following is a cause of spatial inequality in Mexico
a. money                                    b. rural decline
c. loss of communal lands          d. all of the above
7. Mexico City has                                                 as a result of spatial inequality.
a. rural decline                        b. urbanization
c. crime                                    d. loss of communal lands
8. True or False: Mexico’s climate has a negative effect on the country-side
9. This is part of the Caribbean:
a. Panama                                    b. Brazil
c. Puerto Rico                              d. Argentina
10. Hurricanes are common in the Caribbean because of this region’s
a. vegetation                               b. population
c. climate                                    d. physical features
11. Before hurricanes become tropical cyclones they are called
a. tropical disturbance            b. tropical depression
c. typhoons                                    d. tropical storms
12. The most dangerous part of a hurricane is the
a. eye wall                             b. rainbands
c. storm surge                        d. wall
13. Which of the following countries does the Amazon rainforest not run through?
a. Venezuela                    b. Chile
c. Guyana                        d. Colombia
14. True or False: Loggers are likely to do sustainable development in the Amazon
15. The Andes mountains does not go through this country
a. Brazil                                    b. Colombia
c. Ecuador                                    d. Bolivia
16. The different elevation zones of the Andes are divided according to
a. population                                    b. weather
c. vegetation                                    d. climate
17. This can be found in tierra templada
a. haciendas                                    b. vertical trade
c. tree line                                    d. adobe brick houses
18. Terracing is done mostly
a. in tierra caliente                        b. at sea level
c. on steep hill sides                     d. in tierra helada
19. This country is not part of the EU
a. Great Britain                        b. Lithuania
c. Portugal                                    d. Russia
20. A big factor that led to the creation of the EU
a. break up of Former Soviet Union                        b. Chernobyl
c. Wars                                                            d. Urbanization
21. True or False: Language and currency can be a centrifugal force in the EU
22. It is the biggest international cooperation in the world
a. United Nations                        b. African Union
c. EU                                                d. NATO
23. Most of acid rain in Europe happens around
a. Chernobyl                                    b. Bulgaria
c. Russia                                    d. Black triangle
24. True or false: Most pollution in the world comes from factories
25. Which is not an example of ways to reduce pollution
a. wind mills                            b. hydroelectricity
c. power plants                        d. smoke stack scrubbers
26. Soviet Union became
a. Russia in 1991                        b. a failed state in 1991           
c. an empire in 1930                        d. a failed state in 1986
27. This is not a new nation-state from the former Soviet Union
a. Pakistan                                    b. Belarus
c. Lithuania                                   d. Azerbaijan
28. True or False: Having many ethnic groups can lead to the collapse of a country
29. This is not a factor in the success of a nation
a. GDP                                              b. culture
c. nationalism                                    d. security
30. The northernmost country in Africa is
a. Morocco                                                b. Senegal
c. Tunisia                                                d. Egypt
31. Most of North Africa is not suitable for farming because of the
a. Sahel                                                b. sahara
c. Atlas                                                d. Kalahari
32. This is part of Southern Africa
a. Lake Chad                                        b. Niger
c. Sudan                                                d. Lake Victoria

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Homework - Due 1.25.12

Go on to your Evernote notebook to study for the Midterm, using review answers from your group