Friday, May 11, 2012

Homework: Due 5.14.12

Use your notes from 28.3-28.5 to mark true or false. If the statement is false re-write it to make it a true statement. If true, give an example to support the answer!

1.     In 2003, a U.S. call center worker earned $6,000 while one in India earned $46,000.
2.     Indian workers want IT jobs because IT jobs offer some of the best pay and working conditions in India.
3.     By 1847 about a third of all Indians spoke some English and more than 3 million graduated from college.
4.     The United States leads in technical education because it has made efforts to promote technical education.
5.     Not all Indians have an equal opportunity for education. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Homework - Due 5.11.12

Finish and add final touches to your "Annotated Map"

Use information from 28.1-28.2 to:
1. Create a map of the region and label/color India
2. Label 3 physical and 3 human features of India
3. Make annotations: describe the 3 physical/ human features
4. Write a paragraph that includes: India and its connection to geo terms 28

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Homework - Due 5.10.12

Use information from chapter 28 to find the correct answer:

1. Which term best describes hiring someone outside of a company to do work that was once done by the company's own workers?
2. How many standard time zones are there in the world?
3. What comparative advantage does India have in attracting IT jobs from the U.S.?
4. Which if these do you think is a comparative advantage for the U.S?
a. low living costs
b. highly educated workers
c. many languages

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Homework - Due 5.9.12

Revise corrected work (geoterms, challenge 3,4, essay)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Homework - Due 5.8.12

Monsoon Asia - Challenge 4

1. What type of vegetation is found in Bangladesh? How might climate help to explain why?

2. In which country do the people use their land for almost nothing but nomadic herding? How does the vegetation zone help to explain why?

3. On which two Indonesian islands is forestry one use of the land? How does the vegetation zone there help to explain why people work in forestry?

4. Compare the population densities in the western and eastern halves of China. How do physical features and climate help to explain why they are so different?

5. Where in Monsoon Asia does this person live? Why do you think so?
The coastal areas of my country have over 250 people per square mile. Like many people here, I am a subsistence farmer. My cousin works for a manufacturing plant in a city. My country is one of diversity. The elevation ranges from sea level to over 10,000 feet. Parts of my country are dry all year round. Other parts are tropical with wet and dry seasons.

6. For a travel guide of my country, I write:
Our climate is pleasantnot too dry nor too wet, like some parts of Monsoon Asia.
Our capital city of over 8 million people offers shopping, museums, and entertainment.
We have different types of forests to enjoy.
I also include a map of the islands that make up my country. Which country am I writing about? Why do you think so?