Class Rules, Procedures...

- 3 ring binder divided as follow:

1. Classwork
2. Homework
3. Assessments(Tests/Quizzes/Projects)

- Textbook: keep at home to study, do homework (get a cover to protect it)
- Lined paper, pencil, pen, eraser, colored pencils
- Agenda book (keep notes of homework/assessments)

- Agenda: on the board, read to know what we will be working on everyday
- Do now: assignment on the board, do first thing when you come in to the class/be ready to share
- Homework: copy down to your agenda after do now is completed (can also be checked on blog). Always name and date for credit

Blog: use it to check homework, other assignments and dues dates, find information of sites, news on different units we will study

Jupitergrades: use it to check grades on all assignments, comments and conduct. Each student and parent will create an account (teacher will hand out forms with directions)

Homework: turn in Homework everyday. Add name and date for credit. Homework turned in on time gets full credit; if it is 1 day late only half the credit; and after that no credit.

Hall Pass: Use with teacher’s permission, for bathroom, nurse, office.